
This is one of the few anabolic steroids that can be used safely by men and women.

Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid sold as Anavar. It is a kind of DHT hormone used by bodybuilders and sportsmen to develop lean muscle, increase strength, and burn fat. Anavar has a rating of 322-630, whereas testosterone only has a value of 100. Despite its high ranking, Anavar is not considered a bulking anabolic steroid, but rather a cutting steroid.

Oxandrolone has no negative effects in moderate dosages. This is reasonable given the drug’s initial target demographic. Because it does not contribute to the closure of epiphyseal joints, this is one of the few steroids that is safe for children and women with osteoporosis. The medication has moderate masculinizing effects. Its mildness makes it popular among sportsmen, who seldom display masculinity at doses of 10-15 mg per day. Oxandrolone loves bodybuilders and powerlifters.

Anavar is also an anabolic steroid with minimal androgenic and estrogenic action, low water retention, and no aromatization, which promotes lean muscle growth, strength, and fat-burning. This anabolic steroid is also safe for women to take, as many have had no adverse effects, while others reported minor side effects that were controllable.

Anavar effects

Anavar is popular because it does not aromatize at any dose. As previously stated, some testosterone in the blood is converted to estrogen. Depending on the athlete’s genetic predisposition, this aromatization process manifests differently. Oxandrolone does not cause water retention in the muscles, making it a useful tool for pre-competition preparation. Keeping estrogen levels low during this period is critical because estrogens train the body to retain water even on a reduced-calorie diet.

Because Oxandrolone is non-aromatizing, athletes who suffer from high blood pressure or gynecomastia from powerful androgenic steroids will not have issues with this medication. If you have a health issue utilizing testosterone, Dianabol, or Anapolon50, Oxandrolone with Deca-Durabolin is a good option. Over 40’s should use Oxandrolone.

The third argument for using Oxandrolone is that it does not interfere with testosterone production even at extremely high dosages. Explanation: Oxandrolone does not impede hormone production. For example, unlike other anabolic steroids, it doesn’t cause the testes to tell the hypothalamus to decrease or halt the production of gonadotropins and luteinizing hormones.

Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid that may be used orally, removing one source of stress for kids and families. For 12 months, Przkora et al. gave badly burnt youngsters oxandrolone (0.1 mg/kg twice a day per os) or a placebo. Body composition improved significantly, including linear growth, bone density, and lean mass. Oxandrolone also increased muscle strength. A year after rhGH therapy, no adverse effects were detected. Even 1 year following therapy, growth was improved.

Oxandrolone with exercise increased lean mass more than either medication or exercise alone. Both oxandrolone with exercise and exercise alone increased muscle strength and function. Surprisingly, oxandrolone alone increased muscular growth and strength. Finally, both oxandrolone with exercise and exercise alone increased aerobic capacity. Future trials will use propranolol instead of rhGH or oxandrolone and will use a similar approach.

Dosage: 30-50 mg per day, taken for 8 to 16 weeks.

Potency: 6 drops equals 10 mg


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